Designing a safe and flourishing future for humanity in a world with transformative AI

At Convergence Analysis, we conduct strategic research and advocate for critical governance interventions to mitigate the existential risk posed by AI technologies

Designing a safe and flourishing future for humanity in a world with transformative AI

At Convergence Analysis, we conduct strategic research and advocate for critical governance interventions to mitigate the existential risk posed by AI technologies

Designing a safe and flourishing future for humanity in a world with transformative AI

At Convergence Analysis, we conduct strategic research and advocate for critical governance interventions to mitigate the existential risk posed by AI technologies

Who We are

We are a non-profit research organization building a foundational series of sociotechnical reports on key AI scenarios and governance recommendations, and conducting AI awareness efforts to inform the general public.

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Why We Exist

The development of AI technology poses both great opportunities and perils for humanity. We're currently at a watershed moment in history - plausibly, human-level AI will be here within 10 years. Shortly after this, we’ll be in a world powered by intelligence beyond human capabilities.

Hence, we need to answer some critical questions: What will the emergence of advanced AI look like? How will this impact human society? What constitutes wise decision making regarding advanced AI? How can we help society adopt better decision making?

By studying these questions, we hope to bring these risks and their solutions to the forefront of societal awareness.

Why We Exist

The development of AI technology poses both great opportunities and perils for humanity. We're currently at a watershed moment in history - plausibly, human-level AI will be here within 10 years. Shortly after this, we’ll be in a world powered by intelligence beyond human capabilities.

Hence, we need to answer some critical questions: What will the emergence of advanced AI look like? How will this impact human society? What constitutes wise decision making regarding advanced AI? How can we help society adopt better decision making?

By studying these questions, we hope to bring these risks and their solutions to the forefront of societal awareness.

Why We Exist

The development of AI technology poses both great opportunities and perils for humanity. We're currently at a watershed moment in history - plausibly, human-level AI will be here within 10 years. Shortly after this, we’ll be in a world powered by intelligence beyond human capabilities.

Hence, we need to answer some critical questions: What will the emergence of advanced AI look like? How will this impact human society? What constitutes wise decision making regarding advanced AI? How can we help society adopt better decision making?

By studying these questions, we hope to bring these risks and their solutions to the forefront of societal awareness.

Our Initiatives For Mitigating AI Risk

Scenario Research

Scenario planning is a method of research aimed at modeling future outcomes of AI development. It involves mapping possible future pathways, identifying key parameters which shape their trajectory, and developing strategies to mitigate their negative consequences.

We’re building a foundational set of technical reports modeling plausible and highly consequential AI scenarios.

Example questions we're answering

What are the most likely set of negative societal outcomes to result from the acceleration of AI capabilities?

What are the most likely set of negative societal outcomes to result from the acceleration of AI capabilities?

What are the possible paths of development for AI technology, and how likely is each path? What inputs will alter which path of development ends up happening?

What are the possible paths of development for AI technology, and how likely is each path? What inputs will alter which path of development ends up happening?

What types of strategies might best prevent or mitigate the likelihood of these global risks?

What types of strategies might best prevent or mitigate the likelihood of these global risks?

Governance Research

Given a set of harmful scenarios, what are the most effective governance policies to reduce the likelihood that they occur? What is the feasibility, effectiveness, and negative externalities of enacting such policies?

We're conducting research into key governance strategies and recommendations aimed at mitigating risks detailed by our AI scenario research.

Example questions we're answering

What does the political landscape look like for the U.S. to require the registration and transfer reporting of key AI chips?

What does the political landscape look like for the U.S. to require the registration and transfer reporting of key AI chips?

What incident reporting mechanisms are necessary to allow regulatory bodies to monitor the impact of AI systems in real-world settings?

What incident reporting mechanisms are necessary to allow regulatory bodies to monitor the impact of AI systems in real-world settings?

What domain-specific safety assessments are critical to identify dangerous capabilities of AI models?

What domain-specific safety assessments are critical to identify dangerous capabilities of AI models?

Collaborate With Us

We're currently conducting partnerships with external researchers, strategic advising for policymakers & private organizations, and raising funding to accelerate our research initiatives.


We're collaborating with other individuals in AI safety to conduct novel scenario & governance research.

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We're collaborating with other individuals in AI safety to conduct novel scenario & governance research.

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We're available to provide strategic consulting or technical guidance on AI technologies, scenario planning, or governance policy.

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We're available to provide strategic consulting or technical guidance on AI technologies, scenario planning, or governance policy.

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We're currently raising funding to launch a new governance research agenda and accelerate our current initiatives.

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We're currently raising funding to launch a new governance research agenda and accelerate our current initiatives.

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